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History Of ITF |
Modern Taekwon-Do differs greatly from other martial arts. In fact, no other martial art is so advanced with regard to the sophistication and effectiveness of it technique or the overall physical fitness it imparts to its practitionser.
Since the theories, terminology, tehchniques, systems, mnethods, rules, practice suit, and spiritual foundation were scientifically developed, systematized, and named by the author, it is an error to think of any physical action employing the hand and feet for self-defence as Taekwon-Do. Only those who practice the techniques based on the author's theories, principles and philosophy are considered to be the students of genuine Taekwon-Do.
When and where did Taekwon-Do begin? A combination of circumstances made it possible for Author/creator to orginate and develop taekwon-do. In addition to his proior knowledge of Taek kyon, he had an opportunity to learn karate in japan during the unhappy thirty-six years when his native land(korea) was occupied by the japanese, Soon after Koriea was liberated in 1945, he was placed in a privileged position as a founding member of the newly formed South Korean Armed Forces.The former provided the oppurtunity with a definite sense of creation, and the latter gave me the power to disseminate Taekwon-Do thorughout the entire armed forces, despite opposition. The emergend of taekwon-do as an international martial art in a relatively short period of time was due to a variety of factors. the eils of contemporary society(moral corruption, materialism, selfishness, etc.) had created a spiritual vacuum. Taekwon-Do was able to compensate for the prevailing sense of empitness, distrust, decadnce and lack of confidence. |
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